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As Holy Week begins ....

Writer: bannerdays16bannerdays16

Updated: Apr 5, 2020

The photo you see at the top of this blog was taken on Palm Sunday one year ago. It reminds us that not too long ago we might have taken this day - and the week that follows - for granted. We assumed that we would always gather with our community in the church we love, processing into the church singing with the choir as the bass drum kept time; we would wave palms (and some of us would make crosses out of them); we would listen to the scriptures we've heard so often, anticipating the words "...Jesus cried out again in a loud voice, and gave up his spirit," knowing that we would kneel with our community in silence; we would listen to the cantor sing, "Jesus, Remember Me," and some of us might feel tears rise. We'd listen to the words of intercession and respond, "Lord, hear my prayer!" We would process to the altar, receiving the Body and Blood of Christ and understand how this made us one in Him.

If someone had asked us then - last year - how we might feel if we weren't allowed to enter our church, let alone celebrate Palm Sunday we would have been shocked. What could possibly be the reason for taking away something that has been part of our lives since we were children? Or perhaps it has only recently become a necessity for us -- to be part of a community, to worship together, to understand there's something "more" that we have searched for and found here. How could this now be gone?

Or is it? This weekend many of us - even as this is being written - are sharing a "live-streaming" of the Palm Sunday liturgy. In our homes we've heard the scriptures, the homily, the words of intercession and sung along with music familiar to us. There has been comfort in seeing our beautiful church, albeit from a distance, and experiencing communion of a different kind. We ARE together. And, if we're watching on Facebook, we see hearts rising up through the picture, signs that other members of our community are celebrating with us.

Enjoy these photos of past Palm Sundays and remember always that we are the church wherever we are.

Later this week more photos will be shared of past Triduum Liturgies at Holy Cross, the church on the hill. Let's prepare our hearts to walk the way with Jesus in the sacred space we call our home.



Apr 07, 2020

Lovey to see this! Thank you for posting.


Apr 05, 2020

The Palm Sunday Mass can be found on YouTube at


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