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Being the Body of Christ..... a Rosary for an End to Racism and Violence.

Writer: bannerdays16bannerdays16

On Tuesday, June 16th, at 7 p.m. about 50 people gathered via Zoom to pray the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary for an end to racism and violence. Most of the participants were from Holy Cross, but a few people from neighboring parishes joined us. We were especially grateful to have the participation of former parishioner and Holy Cross School second grade teacher Dianna Myers who, with Cindy Tinetti, led us in the fifth decade, the Crucifixion of Jesus. (Both Dianna and Cindy are in two squares above....along with others you might recognize.). How does an event like this happen? For those who are curious, read on.

The idea to come together as a parish came from co-chair of the Council of Ministries, Barbara Meister. Remembering the success of last year's Pentecost celebration and launching of the Council, Barbara yearned to bring the parish together in some way. She gathered a small committee (Sr. Barbara, Deacon Joe, Isabel Velasco, Elbina Rafizadeh, Cindy Tinetti and Sylvia Deck), and their first thought was to host a bilingual gathering which would include the practice of Lectio Divina (Sacred Reading) on the Pentecost Gospel. But the church staff was in the midst of preparations for reopening, and time was short. The committee met again and decided that the Feast of Corpus Christi would offer the opportunity to look at ourselves as the Body of the Christ, "BEING the Body of Christ." Then the murder of George Floyd happened. Protests began. There was an urgency to pray together in community. What better way to express ourselves as the Body of Christ than in prayer, and what better prayer than the Rosary? Our Lady's help was needed!

The committee worked fast. Estrella Bibbey designed a flyer and the word went out.

A script was composed, combining scriptural references to the final days of Jesus' life before his Crucifixion with the suffering of Black Americans and all people of color experiencing the pain of racism. (From the First Sorrowful Mystery:"Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. We betray our suffering brothers and sisters with our silence. Hail Mary, full of grace...")

Each mystery was introduced by a statement from one of our US Bishops, plus a quote from Pope Francis and our own Bishop, Danny Garcia. Facilitators were Deacon Joe DePage and Isabel Velasco; mysteries were led by Elbina and Virginia Quijance, Mia Carrizales Loredo, and Juanita Martinez, Shea Maloney and Donaji Hernandez, Alicia Hernandez and Griselda Lupercio, Cindy and Dianna.

One of the ZOOM features is the ability to "chat" or leave a note. Among the immediate responses to our prayer together were these messages: "Thank you so much for this wonderful occasion of honesty and hope!" "Together, with God, we are Church." "Muchas Gracias a todos los que participaron...muy buen trabajo!" "Thank you everyone for creating such a healing space with the Lord and His Mother." "May all feel hope that we may heal the wounds of the world through the intercession of Mary and Christ. Blessings on all who joined this beautiful prayer." "A moving experience." "This was beautiful." "Loved that it was bilingual...that we could pray as church in such a meaningful was moving." (Your own comments can be made here by scrolling down.)

The final two prayers of the last decade:

"We can only imagine the pain Mary felt as she looked up at her son on the cross. Hail Mary, full of grace . . . "

"We can only imagine the pain of families who have lost their children to senseless violence. Hail Mary, full of grace . . ."



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