When Fr. Mike was a young man of 70, he retired as pastor of Holy Cross Church, the place where he had celebrated childhood sacraments and Ordination as well as attended school from Kindergarten through high school. On the night of his retirement celebration, the hall was filled with people who had grown up with him, those who had received sacraments from him, and some who were just beginning to know and love him. That night, poet and friend of Fr. Mike's, Ziggy Rendler-Bregman, shared her poem about what his retirement might look like. Entitled "Rooted and Willing," here is the poem along with some photos from his years
at Holy Cross.

Imagine him
to wade the river again
barefoot dancing and unafraid
climbing the mountain
just to suck in sweet scent of bay and laurel
stopping only to hear his own heart beat
with delight in this
day the Lord has made.
Whose chantrelle and porcini are these?
Who brings the feast home?
Imagine him
with that radiant August glow
all year long
mile after mile of West Cliff walking.
Imagine him silent imagine him
Just long enough in the garden
to let that full belly laugh turning over soil for new plum tomatoes.
rise up and echo in our ears. We might be surprised by the depth of his planting.
Knee deep in baptismal water
trusting the breath of life.
Oh good pastor
eloquent teacher
Worthy to be called child of God.
We have learned to pray with you.
His sacred hands blessing infant, child, widow or man
pouring out precious oil
sweet incense rising
at dawn
through dark
in timeless wonder
Rabbi in a Roman collar seldom worn
Who lifts his voice to chant
and breaks bread with those the world rejects.
Planting, pruning, forgiving, feeding
A Priest forever
working the garden
rooted and willing.
Will the promise be understood when we recall
the solemn song and reverent bow we have learned to make?
Deeply planted in this Good News so loved and lived in him.
Can this be a glimpse of the eternal banquet?
We love you Fr. Mike!
Happiest of birthdays to you, Fr. Mike! Thank you for your ministry over all these years.