With gratitude to parishioner Shea Maloney and her daughter Donaji for sharing their
Palm Sunday experience with this message sent today:

Kitchen table Church has been very nurturing!
Donaji and I worked with pastels on painting paper during the Palm Sunday Mass this morning. I thought we'd try it since we'd missed the live stream and were not participating in real time. We colored and were prayerful. We let the words and images, music and moods move our hands and inspire our colors. It was like walking through a new door into the Mass. It felt very deepening.
As much as I'm grieving each Sunday missed I'm grateful for new opportunities and experiences. I'm having to dig deeper and engage my warmth of will. It's a big learning time!
Be well and safe!
I'm sending lots of love and invisible live streaming through the air HUGS!!!!!!
PEACE in Christ,
With these heartfelt words we have found a "new door" as well. Thank you, again, Shea and Donaji. Your creativity is a gift to us all. If anyone reading this would like to share art work, poetry, or photos of your family's efforts to celebrate Holy Week at your kitchen table church, please send them to bannerdays16@gmail.com. Sharing gifts with the community is what this blog is all about.