We are blessed beyond belief! How many parishes can boast that their closest neighbors, living in a former convent, are these beautiful babies and their exceptional mothers?
We're grateful for their presence and praise God for the vision that brought them to us twenty years ago. Founded in 2000 by a group of inspired parishioners headed by local realtor and director of the St. Francis Soup Kitchen, Wayne Shaffer, Siena House Maternity Home has been a light in the Santa Cruz community for all these years. Originally founded as a place for pregnant women, poor and homeless, it has grown to encompass a place of shelter, peace, growth, encouragement and support, serving approximately 350 women and babies since its founding. It's no surprise that its aura sometimes seems spiritual in that it evolved from convent to retreat house (where it was christened "Siena House" by then pastor, Fr. Mike Marini, who reveres St. Catherine of Siena) to maternity home par excellence.
Director Marie Harris reports that presently there are five women and five babies in residence. One is expecting her baby May 4th, so there will soon be six little ones. (If you're counting, one mom has twins.). The maximum number of residents is ten. Each mom has her own room with a bed, dresser, sink and closet. There is a crib or bassinet for the baby. The Board members of Siena House, headed by President Donna Miller, have recently overseen the installation of carpets throughout the house and are gradually painting each room as someone moves out.
The support staff consists of an office manager, volunteer and alumni coordinators, a house manager and case manager. Four of the staff live in-house, two upstairs with the moms and two downstairs. Before the sheltering-in-place order, many volunteers came for two-hour shifts to hold babies and be available for the mothers. Some volunteers led classes in yoga, parenting and life skills, women's health, birthing, cooking....whatever they could do to enrich the lives of the moms. However.....all of this has been put on hold since the quarantine.
What is life like for the Siena House residents and their babies as they deal with sheltering-in-place? Because they leave the confines of the house for appointments and errands, Marie says that social distancing is maintained within the house. There are card tables set up throughout the house, so moms can have their own small place to write, draw, do puzzles, have dinner. Since only two people at a time can be in the living room to watch TV, they take turns. Their weekly house meeting now takes place on Zoom. At first it was a bit of a shock not to be able to interact with each other's babies, but they've settled into a new routine and are getting used to it. Not being able to see their families or boyfriends is difficult.

One of St. Catherine of Siena's well-known quotes seems applicable to the situation: "Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring . . ." Endure, they have. Continuing to endure, they will. In the meantime, we are grateful for what is in our midst - a place of beauty and hope where new mothers are sustained and their babies are cherished.
If you would like to donate, volunteer or learn more about Siena House, go to their website at sienahouse.org, email them at volunteer@sienahouse.org or call 831-425-2229. (They need diapers, sizes 3 and 4, canned goods and cleaning supplies - lysol, Clorox Wipes, gloves.). Be sure to wave when you see them!