....the heart of the church is open! The photo above of one of our recent Palm Sunday celebrations reminds us that WE are the church, each of us a "bearer of the mystery." In communion with one another through all the ways possible in these modern times....phone calls, texts, emails, social media...we find ourselves blessed by outreach. We're not alone. Our parish community is finding ways to touch us in ways we might not have imagined only a week ago. With churches throughout the country, we are serving one another as Christ called us to serve. The church is not closed; it is more open than ever!
During the next days and weeks this blog will be reaching your inbox with stories about fellow parishioners, remembrances of things past, and messages of hope and healing. There will be connections to your community using photos (you might recognize someone!), links to online resources and above all, stories of who we are, past and present. You will be invited to participate with your own words. More on that later.
In the meantime, trees in the Holy Cross neighborhood are bursting with spring blossoms, telling the story of Lent, a word that means "lengthening of days." It is a story of darkness and light in which blossoms grow into abundance in the longer hours of sun. On another street a fig tree is reaching to the sky with leaves stretching out to shelter their tiny, growing babies. Nature is giving us hope and lessons in remaining, during this time of Lent, open and willing to accept with gratitude all God offers. Deo gratias!

Oh We all need to keep going to virtual MASS and staying connected!!! You know?
The BLOG is great place to come!!!
It seems incredible that just a week ago Jim and I were having breakfast with about twelve friends at the new coffee shop at the Shrine of St. Joseph on Westcliff Drive. In that week following everything has changed so much. I woke up this morning, looked out my windows, and the world seems so quiet. I live on a street where there is no reason for a car to pass by unless you live here (a cul-de-sac), and since we are all staying home, there is almost nothing to see and so much silence. Then I walked out to retrieve the paper, and I heard the birds chirping . That brought joy to my heart. I could hardly b…
Sorry my name is up here twice. Sylvia had to teach me how to use this. My original blog follows that of Jane Keeffe.
I loved the photo of the congregation gathering outside the church on Palm Sunday. Accustomed as I am to attending daily mass, I am missing it and will miss Sunday services as well. Already I am lamenting no Holy Week Services. We are being obedient citizens and remaining at home except for short walks in our neighborhood. The fresh air and sunshine today were welcome. We're looking at the world through a different lens these days. Grateful for a home, running water, indoor plumbing, electricity, a computer to type this note on, food in my fridge and cupboards, a loving husband, children, and grandchildren, friends, a clear mind and good heart. Shall I go on? There is so …
This is beautiful! You take so many wonderful photos and this is a way to share them with everyone in the parish! Your liturgical insights are always beautiful and make such a connection between finding God inside the walls of the church and the world outside of it.